Questions?   +(905) 442-4011


Does this sound familiar?

You and your partner are busy with life, dealing with the everyday stress of raising children, working in demanding jobs and paying bills. Years go by and you find yourself asking:

  • Where is the person I fell in love with?
  • Why do we always argue about the same issues yet cannot find a solution?
  • Why does it seem like we are stuck in this negative cycle?
  • Why doesn’t my partner understand how I am feeling?
  • How come he/she is always angry with me?
  • Why does he/she become so distant when we argue?

It doesn’t have to be that way.

Couples often get stuck in a negative cycle or “dance” that leaves them feeling unhappy, alone, angry or hurt and far apart from each other. What I will do is to try to understand your “dance” and also to understand the feelings that you each have in relation to each other. I will try to help you to understand each other and relate to each other in a deeper and more satisfying way.


206 Gilbert St. West
Whitby, Ontario

(tel.) 905-442-4011


verified by Psychology Today verified by Psychology Today Directory



Please feel free to complete and bring these forms with you to your first session.